I was held captive in a 10x14 foot room and was forced fed watching "THE WIRE" for the last 3 days. It felt like torture as my pleas and cries were ignored, and its still shameful that my Brick Breakers score is still less than 10,000.
I have now seen all episodes in season 3 AND 4. What is The Wire about you ask? In my opinion its just about how fucked up Baltimore city is... but then again it could be about drugs and gangs and how bureaucracy works etc bladiblablablabla thisismakingmedepressedpleasedontmakemewatchthisanymore.

I'm not saying that its a bad show, its actually pretty good (once you get into it [and it took me about 12 episodes to start liking it]). It also has been hailed as the "best television show ever;" unfortunately they never won any awards. Its just a bit heavy for my taste, but PERFECT for those interested in the politics of drug trades. I'm pretty sure the demographic for this show is 98% male and 2% whatever it is the rest wants them to be known as.
What I learn about Baltimore city after watching these shows:
- Top three homicide rate in the country
- Gang wars GALORE! They love guns and they love killing. They'll bust your cap just by looking at the popos (police).
- Kids starting as early as middle school are recruited into gangs to sell drugs at street corners.
- There are crews that sole purpose are to rob drug dealers.
- Definite spot for a romantic vacation NOT
Uh, right... this show probably traumatized me enough to never want to be distantly close to that city... However, Maryland is famous for their crab cakes right? Damn... I would totally go there just to eat crabcakes, I love those things. Drug Wars vs. Crab Cakes... I think you guys know which one is the winner in this fight.