I am now a real estate agent in New York CITAAAAY!
Yes, laugh all you want, but I'm now working at Bond New York and I WANT YOU TO USE ME AS YOUR FUTURE RENTAL DEALINGS! Thank you!
I've been busy like crazy. But at the same time have managed to watch most of the Fall's new television.
What's the most surprising new show?
YES, ITS ON THE CW11 AND ITS GOOD! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?! But this new show is definitely on the approve list for you (my minions) to waste your time at. Nikita... for real people, the first quality show I've seen by CW in like EVAAR!
Do you know what is #1 on #cancelledafteroneepisode?
*super shit*
The show is with William Shatner, and its base on a twitter account of this guy's dad who says really "funny" things. *I still hate twitter to death and this proves that twitter is shit (in my mind)*
I really hope they cancel that, because its seriously torture to put that shit on air. So shit, so beyooooond shit. Who wants to watch this anyways? Please come forward because for once, I wouldn't mind somebody proving me wrong.
Back to me, I know that nobody is reading this blog anymore, but if you are AND YOU NEED TO MOVE TO NYC! You know where to find me!