Saturday, December 4, 2010

How 'District 9' Almost Ruined My Friendship

Sitting on an empty real estate office on a Saturday morning is definitely the epitome of excitement for a weekend start. If you guys are bored here's some real estate listings that I did!


Alright, and I just lost another client, which I seem to be acing at lately. I'm literary on a STREAK of losing clients over phone calls; I should be proud of myself for achieving such a substantial ability that doesn't come too easily. (pat on the back/the glass is always half full)

Let's get back to the main business....

Once upon a time, I strongly persuaded my friends to watch District 9 with me. One of them whined, complained, and threatened to promise me of revenge with Kristen Bell rom-coms if I made her watch this. I ignored this blackmail and proceeded with my plan of an awesome beginning of a Friday night.

We were luckily enough to be sat on the third row of the theaters so we could get the MAXIMUM IMMERSION of visual and audio experience. While I was enjoying the movie and being submersed by the plot-line, little did I know that my friend was almost going to walk out of the movie.

After the movie ended, I was like "WHAT AN AWESOME MOVIE!"
But...She thought District 9 was THE WORST MOVIE SHE'S EVER SEEN!!!! (her own words and expression) AND SHE'S SEEN "WHEN IN ROME" STARRING KRISTEN BELL...

So I was like... "Huh?! Why do you hate it?"
Me: Errr... You don't believe in Aliens?
Her: No

Trust me... for like a couple of days we had an argument about the existence of life outside of Earth. For all those GAZILLION universes out there, she really didn't believe that there's a single complex life form out there. Also, she argues that there's none because the possibility of something like Earth happening again is like 1/TRILLION or some absurd number like that.

For some reason, I actually got very angry about this. I don't know why, but I actually didn't speak to her for a couple of days... When I cooled down, I told her (after consulting of my smarty-pant friends) that the universe is expanding by INFINITY! HAH!
INFINITY BEATS TRILLION BILLION GAJOOLES OF UNIVERSES PROBABILITY! I felt like a kid who just won the argument "You're the most icky times INFINITY to the INFINITY!"

So if we would make a hypothesis, the only way of her disproving this theory if that there's actually a group scientist that saw every possible galaxies and universes out there and found zero form of life/complex life or whatever. Until then, I see myself as winning this argument.

(E.T. agrees with me too)

She refused to budge to my MATH LOGIC and still believes that there's no life form out there. I still get a bit riled up when somebody mentions this to me. But yesterday, I realized why I was angry about this. Because usually when somebody tells me that they don't believe in other life forms because of religious or whatever reasons, I don't really care.

I realized that its not because she doesn't believe in aliens, but its because she hated a movie because she doesn't believe in aliens. SUPER LIGHTBULB MOMENT!
As a rebuttal to this is I don't hate every rom-coms because I don't believe the message that they're giving out (TRUE LOVE??) but it doesn't mean I hate all of them.
Lesson learned, my cricket.