Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
DVD Vendetta!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
- The Master is back and is still batshit crazy
- And the Time Lords return... Yes... PLURAL! Like a whole spaceship full of them! WTF? I THOUGHT HE WAS THE ONLY ONE LEFT?!
- Timothy Dalton plays the leader (If I'm not mistaken) and he spits a lot.
- You can read a more in-depth recap HERE!
*Thanks Sabrine for introducing this show to me
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Casu Marzu
Casu Marzu is basically a Sardinian cheese delicacy. Why is it a delicacy?
So basically they make pecorino cheese from sheep's milk, and they would open the cheese to invite flies to lay their eggs there. Before you know it, there's maggots crawling everywhere and eating the cheese. Yes, you eat it with the LIVE MAGGOTS (supposedly the best part)! Apparently there's a distinctive strong sour taste that could last up to hours in your mouth. So pleasant...
Before you watch this video, I do have to warn you that it is slightly disgusting. I can't embed it, so here's the link for the English version: Gordon Ramsay F-Word: Casu Marzu
And for you lazy-ass people that can't even click on a link, here's a German one:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
If any of you like either 300 or Gladiator, I highly recommend you to watch it because it looks like a fusion of both movies with a flair of porn.
According to sources (via Perez), this show hasn't even been aired yet and the networks are so happy about it, they already renewed it for the second season. Let's just hope for Starz network that at least 2 million people will watch it on the night of the premiere.
P.S.: According to a tipster, this trailer is using the same music as in 300...... You know who their target audiences are: MEN. I hope to the Universe, that they don't have those stupid catchphrases like "THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!!" Because, come January, if I hear drunken college boys yelling SPARTAAAAAAAA!!!!! SPARTAAA! SPAAAARTA! I will personally throw my cactus at them. It happened once already, I don't need to go through it again.
Monday, December 21, 2009
And I think its one of the best condom commercials out there. This video is NSFW.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
If you've ever thought of boiling an entire chicken...

If you are thrilled and titillated by the sight of this person's deep skin crevices and expletive filled chef-targeted rants.....but his coooking instructions remind you of a grocery list on crack... (watch below, fast forward to 25 second mark if you are impatient)
.......there may be a niche for you in the cooking world after all.
"Worst Cooks in America," featuring a guy who actually boiled a chicken, melted what I hope to God is cheese on it- and seems to be quite proud of it.
When I saw the colorful cast of characters in this kaleidoscope of cooking horrors, I have to be honest, I didn't think of kitchens, food, my own cooking mishaps... the thougth that ran through my mind in Kanye West style caps-lock font was...
"wait...that girl looks familiar...OH MY GOD THAT GIRL WORKS IN MY OFFICE! THAT GIRL WORKS IN MY OFFICE! THAT GIRL WORKS IN MY OFFICE" (ok i think three times got the point across)
...yes, indeed, one of the illustrious contestants on this show, (not the one who boiled a chicken, that wouldn't say much for my work colleagues, now would it?) is someone i see on a daily basis in my office.
I am now flooded with plans to stalk the breakroom/toaster/microwave area. Should I challenge her to an impromptu cook-off using only the ingredients in the breakroom? (old pizza, coffee grinds, and teabags...oooh, how Heston Blumenthal of me.) Should I observe every cup of coffee she makes to see if there's a signature "I won Worst Cooks in America" turn of the hand or flip of the wrist? Maybe I'll ask her to season and microwave some soup for me...
My working life is now just a little bit more interesting.
(on another note, apologies to the judgmental one for my lack of blog contributions. i know, shameful.)
Science Time!
So if any of you are hosting/attending a holiday party, you can do these 10 tricks to "impress" your coworkers/friends/family. No, really, don't do this unless you want to be a virgin for the rest of your life. Well... its not THAT bad... I personally think some of them are cool... but like I said, do it with some precaution knowing that you might be SHAMED for the rest of the night.
What I think is cool, isn't necessarily cool to other human beings.
The Weather Outside is Frightful
EXAMPLE: Its so delicate in the ways it falls, but yet sometimes the wind comes so strongly and disturbs the peace of it... Just by looking outside, I feel like I can catch an automatic cold already. Yeah, not so much of a talent on being a weather forecaster.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The Sing-Off
Glee fever is sweeping over the nation and NBC decided to take a slice of the cake, by putting on a reality show competition on accapella groups... The show is called The Sing-Off... (insert your own joke here)
While watching the pilot, the only reaction I have is: Uh, what the hell is this? No offense to the singers, they have wonderful voices but... its BEYOND lame. You know when you watch something and you get a knot in your stomach and you feel your skin crawling under you? Well, that sums up the entire show. Just make it stop.
I know some people will miss Glee in their 4 months hiatus, but watching this is like dating your worst rebound ever. EVER!
And this was the tipping point to the bad side
Nick Lachey as the host ... NO NBC, NO!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Holidays Special Layout

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Quote of Yesterday

Monday, December 14, 2009
Dexter Marathon and Shock

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Quote of the Day
Lapses of Judgments

Friday, December 11, 2009
Up Yours Domino's

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jersey Shore is Sent From Heaven

The amazing thing about Jersey Shore is that it is comprised of only one very distinctive type—the guido—and it is a type in which all of the participants not only willingly identify, but glorify. They are not afraid of being seen as a stereotype because they want to be the big-haired, muscled out, tanned freak in a too-tight Armani Exchange top. While the rest of society may deride the guido, these specimens see nothing wrong with it, because they live in a universe where it is the norm. Based on the other inmates in the Sleazeside Heights zoo, there is nothing manufactured about these people. They do not possess the fame-seeking guile of the Speidis of the world, because their only aspiration is to be revered as the ultimate guido. Because of this, no coaxing into conformity with reality show norms is needed. All the cameras have to do is sit back and observe.
Who's my favorite character? ALL OF THEM! Each of them are a rough diamond covered in fake tan. Please let there be like 5 seasons of this TV God, if you let us endure with The Hills for so long, this is one of the ways you can reward us for the torture you have put through us. Amen.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Where Have You Been, Son?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Brad and Quentin in a Japanese Eating Show
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Bumped into Natalie
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Baby, I Just Wanna Do You
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Flash Forward to AWESOMENESS