I LOVE the show "In Treatment." I particularly love Blair Underwood, because he is F-I-N-E! (who cares if he has fictional emotional problems, come talk to me all you want darling [preferably shirtless], i'm READY to listen). But HBO has done something that might jeopardize my relationship with Mr. Underwood, they have decided to push the release date of In Treatment into FALL 2009! WTF?! THE ATROCITY! I have been PATIENTLY waiting for this DVD release since October 2008, OCTOBER people! And even during October, Amazon.com announced that it was going to be released on March 24 2009. I was hoping that this could potentially be my birthday present (as my birthday is on the March 30th), but THANKS HBO, NOW YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY BIRTHDAY...
What's that? Why don't I search for it on Youtube and OVguide? bitches PLEASE! I have been searching high and low everywhere for these precious episodes, but was only able to find 5-7 episodes of each patients (even though I never cared about Laura, girl fell in love WITH the therapist, i know... WHAT? that's just a vicious cycle waiting to happen.) But, if any of you lovely readers manage to find the full first season, please give me some tips.
Why don't I just subscribe to HBO you say? I DO HAVE HBO! Then why didn't you watch it? ............ uh........I'm ashamed to admit this, but the concept of the show didn't interest me much at that time (and I'm a psychology major, more shame to me). So, I never got around to watch it, even though 2 friends insisted that it was good. It was until a 3rd friend told me to watch it, and i guess at that moment I caved in the name of peer-pressure. At this time, HBO has removed all the episodes in their "On Demand" channel, forcing me to watch through Youtube (nothing wrong with that). I do recommend you all to watch the first (partial) episodes here:
I'm not asking for the moon/rainbows/unicorns here, I'm just asking HBO to kindly put the episodes back as a part of their "On Demand" and we'll all be happy. Since you only release DVDs right before the new season starts, then I have a feeling that the second season will start in Winter of 2009. If you pushed the release date till Fall, this means that you STILL HAVEN'T STARTED SHOOTING 2ND SEASON?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME? GO DO IT NOW! and don't give me that economic recession bullcrap, YOUR BUDGET COST IS CHEAP BECAUSE THE SET ONLY CONSISTS OF ONE ROOM! ok... calm down... deep breaths.... sigh, if any of you see any updates on this show, I guess leave a comment.
Now I look as sad as Gabriel Byrne (the therapist pictured in the poster).
Verdict: Definitely COMMIT to this show. Especially if you do have "problems."