Monday, March 9, 2009

What's That? No Gossip Girl Tonight?

Oh No! Now what are the losers going to watch? 

Like I care. more like MWA-HA! But here's a picture of Chace Crawford (aka Nate Archibald) for you to enjoy, since I care so much to please my viewerships. For those of you that have been waiting 2 weeks for a new episode, its not gonna air tonight! Its going to air next week on March 16, while most of us is in Spring Break! HA-HA! 

XOXO, Judgmentally Yours

P.S.: Karma is a bitch, there's also no Ray J tonight. But the poll results show that half of you think that Feisty's boobs are real. 24 people voted. HURRAH. Muchos gracias. 

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