Moving on... I was working out (yes, that happens occasionally at the gym) a couple of days ago and saw that they were showing the US Men's Figure Skating Championship (2009).
I LOVE FIGURE SKATING. The costumes. Triple axels. The Music. Jeebus Christ! What more can I ask for in a sport???
Besides the men in tights, many of you are probably familiar with Johnny Weir, who won the previous US Figure Skating Championship (I dunno when), and when he performed one of his shows with "Poker Face." Yes, really, THAT Lady Gaga song. Watch it if you don't believe it or if you just really loooooooove the song. You'll realize how FABULOUS he truly is. Bless his heart for this ferociousness!
But, all of the sudden he showed up:

Yes Ladies, his name is Ryan Bradley and he is one cutie patootie. ESPECIALLY, when he did his Elvis thing. Swoooooooooooon. If you need some eye candy of the day to wash all those nasty ugly things that you saw during the day, go watch this please.
Just keep on smiling Ryan, and no, your shirt is NEVER too tight.
You just know that he's a pleaser, just look at his back flips. SWOOOOOON. What a man.
*I apologize that I can't find a better quality video.
He is HAAAAAAWT! thanks judgmental one