I just watched The Fifth Element yesterday night, and I was severely disappointed to find out that the fifth element is actually LOVE... (SPOILER ALERT) So, Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and LOVE...barfo. Captain Planet should sue*. However, that is not the point of this post, did you see what Chris Tucker looks like in that movie?
He looks like this:

and this:

I wasn't aware that he was doing drag, but gurl, you look FABULOUS! He plays a character name Ruby Rhod and he is the best Space DJ in the Galaxy! Those leopard prints only make you look even more FIEARCE! RAWR! Don't let the hair and the clothes fool you, he still can score some ass more than the average man. FIERCE I TELL YOU, FIERAAAARCE!
I'm actually having a big dilemma on what should I wear for my Halloween costume, but this is definitely on my "hell yes" list!
By the way, the movie was actually good. So go watch it.
*Thanks for that comment MH
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