I stumbled on a reality show called "Vanity Lair," its something about beautiful people trying to find the true meaning of beauty... or something like that. Click here to read the full Wikipedia description, its pointless for me to describe it as I think I already made myself clear in the first sentence.
I don't know who Tony Le Britton is. But what I do know is that he dubbed himself as the "vainest man in Britain." What caught my interest to this particular model/reality show contestant?
If you are wondering how to get an even tan, instead of laying your towel down, replace it with aluminum foil and just be ready to act like a baked potato.
The best part about Tony? His reaction when he found out that he is the "scientifically the least attractive" person in the group.
The best part about Tony? His reaction when he found out that he is the "scientifically the least attractive" person in the group.
My cousin said that the puking was probably just a reason for him to be bulimic. Oh dear cousin, don't be SO MEAN. I mean he's obviously showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (SARCASM). My new name for him is Potato Tony. Fat cat potato Tony... I feel better now. Tony, if you are reading this, please don't vomit all over your keyboards. Please.
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