Thursday, June 24, 2010
Italy Should Be Ashamed
I AM SUPER DEPRESSED THAT ITALY LOST, as I was rooting for them.
Yes, yes, you could say world champions that didn't even qualify for the final 16 this time around. What-the-fucking-EVER bitch! No need to be so snarky about it.
But I would like to apologize that its been World cup post galore for me, I will try to write about something else, but currently too depressed about yesterday's game. Just when you think they were gonna fight back and finally attack, they only did it on the last 20 minutes of the game. TOO FUCKING LATE, who do you think you are? PORTUGAL? HAH!
So there we go, another baffling World Cup team that didn't go through. Watch the sadness below:
On the other hand, I would like to give my congratulations on Slovakia, as they did played ridiculously well yesterday.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
France is OUT
*some leftover angst from 4 years ago
You bitches better buck up or I'm gonna start losing my money FAST (as I do enjoy the occasional betting stakes on every World Cup season).
Let's now ignore the comment I made about England as they have just won their latest match against Slovenia, making them eligible for ROUND 2 OF WORLD CUP FIESTA! But guess who's also making the next round? U.S.A!!! YEEAAAH! Scored at the 91 minute mark, but who the hell cares. A goal is still a goal right?
And what would be the point of this post, if I didn't post some videos of some soccer hotties right?
Even if you hate this guy, you have to admit that this was a pretty CRAZY goal! And more World Cup fever would ensue tomorrow... Please be patient my 6 readers...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Boy Who Murdered Love
Sang by Diana Vickers
This song is now stuck in my head after watching last week's episode of The Graham Norton Show. Unfortunately infectious, and now you must all suffer. I still like it though. Enjoy please.
This song is now stuck in my head after watching last week's episode of The Graham Norton Show. Unfortunately infectious, and now you must all suffer. I still like it though. Enjoy please.
Friday, June 18, 2010
I FINALLY FIXED MY WIRELESS! Oh my shit that took FOREVER! Anyways, for a week I was in no mood to talk to anyone about my internet problems, because it made me want to HULK-SMASH my modem into pieces so small that they become oblivion particles to me.
I have rage issues when it comes to the internet. Don't ask me what happened, because it still turns me in a Godzilla mode.
So me and Scaramouche had a "date" to watch True Blood together with the 12 hours time difference that we have. Distance never interferes with True friendship, AHAHA PUN. But it was a satisfying premiere and it quenched all my cravings. I can't believe I've been waiting a year for this shit. There were tons of male buttocks involved and it was delish.
In fact, I'm not the only one delighted about the new season. As I was browsing my usual blogs this morning, the one and only SNOOP DOGG has made a song proclaiming his love for the one and only Sookie! Don't believe me?
I present you EVIDENCE #1:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Case of the Sads
I'm not going to discuss about my True Blood as I wasn't able to watch it. END OF DIS-FUCKING-CUSSION! As you might have guessed, I'm not too happy about it.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I Love This Woman

This isn't exactly NSFW material, but I'm about 100% sure that you probably wouldn't want to be caught by your boss watching this. Is it funny? Maybe leaning towards disturbing.
I really do wish when I become a grandma, I can be this awesome and embarrass everyone else in the family.
On other news of the world, in regards to animal seduction, an Indonesian man was caught having a sexy time with a cow... He is now forced to marry the cow. NO JOKE.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Fabio is Not Pleased

I'm going to make a confession : Fabio Capello kind of terrifies me. Maybe it's the steely gaze behind those oh-so-stylish glasses (which are permanently attached to his face) or maybe it's his weird gestures when he gets angry. It's a love/hate relationship, what can I say? (he's the manager of AC Milan and the coach of the England team for the less futball inclined peoples)
One of his spectacular angry moments (from the distant-ish past- yes, i know very specific frame of time there..)
(btw, the commentator is saying "Look at Fabio Capello! Look Look Look LOok LOOOk!" I love when commentators gossip about people's reactions. call me shallow but it's so much more interesting than "ooooh he should have kicked from the corner. BLAH)
SO! I'm watching the US vs. England game right now and I pity Robert Green for the verbal ass-kicking he will probably get from Fabio for letting the easiest goal go through. I'm not a goalie. Nor do I possess any kind of sport-like coordination. But dude must be kicking himself right now for this:
Yup... someone is slightly screwed.
BTW, i can hear though my windows people cheering in the east village during this game. MAybe people care about the world cup here after all?
(apologies to DA for my lazy lack of blogging recently.)
WAIT~ Forget FAbio, this reaction must have Robert Green shaking in his cleats....

Anyways, I'm out of the country and therefore doesn't know any kind of situation in USA regarding to the World Cup. But here, EVERYONE is trying to accommodate their schedules revolving the games. Besides the usual skipping-work routine, some boss of a delivery company will open his house throughout this whole month so his employee can watch the games and congregate. This was local prime time news material yesterday.
I am rooting for a lot of teams (but ITALIA is my one true love), so its just a matter of process of elimination to see who'll win in the end. So far there was an opening game last night for South Africa vs. Mexico (1-1), as much as I would like to have seen them win the first game it sadly didn't happen.
On another note, there is currently an ongoing issue with my wireless service as it one day just STOPPED working. After this shit is FIXED, I will finally be able to watch something online. If not, then I will watch S. Korea vs. Greece. Its called desperate.
*Thanks to my unidentified neighbor who gives out free internet, your karma in return will be a splendid one.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
My Mother
I FEEL SO BETRAYED! How can she do this to her own flesh and blood?! AND FOR WHY? I immediately told her to stop watching that crap, but I doubt that she'll listen to me. ("Lily van de whatever is soooooo stylish, I love what she wears on the show"). Still does not justify.
But anyways, I was sitting next to my mom yesterday and I saw her trying to type with her Blackberry. TRYING being the keyword as she t y p e s t h i s s l o w.
She literary searches for each letter, and this is already with 2 months of "practice..."
I really think Gossip Girl is to blame for, it has affected her motor skills and now I must burn that whole DVD collection.
Besides the joyous feeling of having a bonfire, I will also give her this as her birthday present:
She needs it (no, its for me actually).
Monday, June 7, 2010
Back to Civilization
I just went to Bali for 4 days, and NOT ONCE DID I TOUCH SAND OR WAS IN A FREAKING POOL. Instead of doing those wonderful activities, I was stuck in a hotel lobby (I hate you Westin Hotel) doing meetings after meetings for what it feels like eternity. And NO, I cannot tell you what my meetings are about as they are part of my secret other life. (not really)
What SUCKS most about the hotels there, is they make you PAY for internet. I rather pay for my "free breakfast" than for internet, its just one of my weird principles. So I had a full week gone without my wonderful television show to keep me company.
As of now I'm in a location which maximum wireless service, I can now share with you, a new discovery.
I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing when I was watching this. This is the "latest" dance-move discovery from Brazil known as "Surra de Bunda" (which apparently means "ass smacking"). To be honest, I'm not sure if its a turn on or just painful... And what happens if she farts in his face? THIS MOVE WILL BE THE ULTIMATE STRIPPER REVENGE!
I know one of you will try to do this at home, so please don't hurt yourselves. Thank you
via Gawker
As of now I'm in a location which maximum wireless service, I can now share with you, a new discovery.
I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing when I was watching this. This is the "latest" dance-move discovery from Brazil known as "Surra de Bunda" (which apparently means "ass smacking"). To be honest, I'm not sure if its a turn on or just painful... And what happens if she farts in his face? THIS MOVE WILL BE THE ULTIMATE STRIPPER REVENGE!
I know one of you will try to do this at home, so please don't hurt yourselves. Thank you
via Gawker
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