I'm going to make a confession : Fabio Capello kind of terrifies me. Maybe it's the steely gaze behind those oh-so-stylish glasses (which are permanently attached to his face) or maybe it's his weird gestures when he gets angry. It's a love/hate relationship, what can I say? (he's the manager of AC Milan and the coach of the England team for the less futball inclined peoples)
One of his spectacular angry moments (from the distant-ish past- yes, i know very specific frame of time there..)
(btw, the commentator is saying "Look at Fabio Capello! Look Look Look LOok LOOOk!" I love when commentators gossip about people's reactions. call me shallow but it's so much more interesting than "ooooh he should have kicked from the corner. BLAH)
SO! I'm watching the US vs. England game right now and I pity Robert Green for the verbal ass-kicking he will probably get from Fabio for letting the easiest goal go through. I'm not a goalie. Nor do I possess any kind of sport-like coordination. But dude must be kicking himself right now for this:
Yup... someone is slightly screwed.
BTW, i can hear though my windows people cheering in the east village during this game. MAybe people care about the world cup here after all?
(apologies to DA for my lazy lack of blogging recently.)
WAIT~ Forget FAbio, this reaction must have Robert Green shaking in his cleats....

David Beckham going into Super Saiyan mode???