One of my "many" viewerships have already complained that OVGuide sucks, because this reader wasn't able to find the show "Summer Heights High." I didn't really believe my OVGuide would do that to me, since I have successfully watched that show over the winter break through this site. But after searching 30 minutes for it, I have to give props to HBO and ABC(Australian Broadcasting Company) for removing ALL the links of the show from the interweb. Yes, my dear audience, ALL of the links, except for short excerpts in Youtube.
One way to watch it is by the "legal" way: subscribe to HBO, I just checked and its still in the OnDemand. or buy the DVD (at Amazon). or come over to my place (for those stalkers that know where I live). I'm sorry to promote OVGuide so much, but that is the only site i know, if you do know any better links, again please tell me ASAP.
looks like the ONLY option I got is to by the dvd's