I am still watching that show Fringe which I didn't like in the beginning. This show is way too convenient: "Oh, I can never tell you what will happen, ok ok I'll tell you, (as suspect is about to speak) and BANG he's dead." ON EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. I don't even know why I'm still watching this, but its one of those shows that its hard to get out off. But this latest episode, J.J. here decided to crash another fucking plane. That's right, ANOTHER plane, I can't even recount how many planes he fucking demolished on Lost. So why does J.J. is particularly fond of the destruction of planes and the people that ride inside it? I don't know. Maybe every time he had a bad trip on an airplane, he decides to crash one in his shows. I wouldn't blame him if he's traveling with American Airways and United Airlines... what? They need to know that their services SUCKS major dick.
J.J. (or your publicist), would you kindly answer this question for me. Because a lot of people that rides Jet Blue and Virgin on Tuesday nights will have an uneasy experience if they have to might watch this show... awkward right?
i'll bet you there's gonna be about 2 more plane incidents going on this season.