I was just having my one-on-one time with my television tonight, and all of the sudden I saw "G-String Divas" on my HBO listing. Did I watch it? HELL YES! Why wouldn't I? I pay good money for these premium babies, I'm gonna milk all the shows till its dry. Also, I know somewhere deep inside me, I'm a natural born ho (or a pervert).

*Chrissy the ex-therapist
No, it wasn't porno, it was a documentary following the lives of strippers. And one of the strippers (Chrissy) has a MASTERS in psychology and actually started therapy work before becoming an exotic dancer. What crossed through my mind was: is it that horrible to become a therapist that you have to resort to stripping? Or maybe therapy is alright, but by stripping, is it in itself a form of therapy for both you and your customers?
As a psychology major graduate, I was thinking if this is a sign from the Universe of what is becoming of my future. BOM-CHIKA-WAW-WAW!
On more totally unretardedness issues: HELP MAKE POLE DANCING AN OFFICIAL SPORT IN THE 2012 OLYMPICS! Some MORMON women are petitioning it to become a klassified event in the near future. Mormon and pole dancing? Don't ask, just make it happen.
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