For once VH1, I really think you guys have chosen the wrong guy. Unless the Entertainer would have a challenge involving toe-sucking competition (even I might not be able to stomach that), I'm not going to watch it. That's right, for once I'm putting my foot down and let myself have some dignity.
It should've been 12 Pack of Love or even better FOX OF LOVE. That dumbass does deserve his own show, I would WATCH that shit for sure, no questions asked.

Here is Fox in all his glory: when Daisy asked him is he's 100% single... His response was "I'm one hundred and ten point fifteen point five percent (110.15.5%)" single. I didn't even know two points could even exist in the same numerical value. Or is that actually (110/15/5)/100? Wow, I feel like I just surpassed in Fox's retardedness, this means that his stupidity is CONTAGIOUS. Watch the clip below with a surgeon's mask (this has been an official warning from the IAJ's Department of Brain Disability).
hahahahahahah Thank you for this. I didn't remember the percentage quote !