I'm pretty sure that 95% of you that read this blog is in New York City now. And you guys might have noticed... WHAT is up with the weather lately? It goes from "drizzle" to fucking THUNDERSTORM in less than a minute. All I can say is that my shoes are RUINED, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...
Oh well, right now is the perfect time for you guys to take a nap. The pitter patter of the raindrops against the window is always so nice and peaceful. Or start drinking for those that are DONE with finals! Don't even bother going out (unless you have to), but I feel like I'm obligated to discuss the Jon and Kate plus 8 saga going on right now.
If you've never watched this show, here's the basic plotline: Jon and Kate has two lovely beautiful children, however, they decided that they just wanted ONE more child. Naturally, they conceived this child out of IVF treatment, and Kate was left with 6 fertilized eggs in her uterus. SIX KIDS ALL AT ONCE?!?! Yeah, they were basically FUCKED. But they went through it, (Octo-Mom totally ripped the idea from them), and was approached by TLC for a reality show. Thank goodness they accepted, because 8 children is not a cheap thing to have. Fuck, feeding one person is already pricey enough.
Anyways, I've only seen a couple episodes of this show, parenthood+kids = not a show for me. But now, apparently Jon has been going around doing the sexy times with someone other than Kate. Parenthood+8kids+questionable affair with a 23 year old = TV GOLD!
If you've been following ANY gossip news lately, you probably know the details of this "affair." I'm not going to go into details as it is quite a boring "scandal." I wouldn't be surprised at ALL if this was all a fake scam.
AHA! I just did some heavy research and found out that the new season is coming back on May 25......... Coincidence? I think NOT!
Deep down inside of me, I really think this all is just a giant pile of shit called a publicity stunt to whore out their new season. We're in a recession here, like the rest of America, they need the money BAD.
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