I have an essay due yesterday, still in the process of writing it, unfortunately its going nowhere as I have started the second season of "In Treatment." This show is supremely addictive, I'm not kidding, I think I've watched about 4 hours of it in a ROW.
Seriously, watching this show has either always want me to become a therapist or have him as MY therapist. Paul (aka Gabriel Byrne) is my hero, really, FUCK SUPERMAN. Paul is probably the best therapist anyone could ever have, but like all of us, he's just human and have to go through the same drama that we go through everyday. Which is all revealed in his therapy sessions with Gina. Its like, he's so awesome for the first 4 episodes with his patients, then you see him going to therapy and suddenly he's flawed (swoon).
You guys should really start watching this show, you will learn so much about human behavior and emotion from just watching it. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE TO WATCH THIS, HIGHLY! I grade it: "A (motherfucking) PLUS!"
So, last season, each different sessions is on different days from Monday to Friday, so you can pick and choose which person you want to follow. Now, the show is cramped on Sunday and Monday, its a bit much on two days, but I have already a favorite character besides the therapist. His name is Walter and I heart him. Walter (real name Tom Mahoney) is a CEO of a multi-conglomerate company and he went in with issues of insomnia, but little did we know that he also has issues of panic attacks. I can totally relate as I am also a CEO of a multi-billionaire company. Ha. Ha. Ha...
Any of you already watching this show? Which character do you like best? And why?
A shout out for HBO: I love you. HIRE ME PLEASE! I don't mind if you want to send me to the middle of nowhere in Louisiana for the shooting of "True Blood." I'll do it! I'm about to graduate and like everyone else, I want to have a job that I would somewhat enjoy working in. I would truly appreciate a free internship or I can always be your HBO whore (well I already am) and write nice and fluffy things about your shows. Think about it. Please.