What? You want MORE shirtless pictures of him? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY

Ok, now that I have reasonably calmed down, let me introduce you to Ryan Kwanten (aka Jason Stackhouse) from True Blood. The first photo is a sneak peek on the second season. He is one fine piece of heaven, and I'm praying to let this recession affect the whole costume budgeting for the show and let there be more topless hot men running around or doing some kind of construction work. Yum yum yum.
Talk about being excited for True Blood, its only a MONTH away... I cannot wait, CANNOT!! The first season is now currently on HBO OnDemand, so for those that haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend you to watch it. I'm rewatching the first season again because I am a loser with serious withdrawal issues for quality television. For those that has seen it, here's a sneak peek of the second season, ENJOY!
You Are NASTY!