Saturday, December 4, 2010

How 'District 9' Almost Ruined My Friendship

Sitting on an empty real estate office on a Saturday morning is definitely the epitome of excitement for a weekend start. If you guys are bored here's some real estate listings that I did!


Alright, and I just lost another client, which I seem to be acing at lately. I'm literary on a STREAK of losing clients over phone calls; I should be proud of myself for achieving such a substantial ability that doesn't come too easily. (pat on the back/the glass is always half full)

Let's get back to the main business....

Once upon a time, I strongly persuaded my friends to watch District 9 with me. One of them whined, complained, and threatened to promise me of revenge with Kristen Bell rom-coms if I made her watch this. I ignored this blackmail and proceeded with my plan of an awesome beginning of a Friday night.

We were luckily enough to be sat on the third row of the theaters so we could get the MAXIMUM IMMERSION of visual and audio experience. While I was enjoying the movie and being submersed by the plot-line, little did I know that my friend was almost going to walk out of the movie.

After the movie ended, I was like "WHAT AN AWESOME MOVIE!"
But...She thought District 9 was THE WORST MOVIE SHE'S EVER SEEN!!!! (her own words and expression) AND SHE'S SEEN "WHEN IN ROME" STARRING KRISTEN BELL...

So I was like... "Huh?! Why do you hate it?"
Me: Errr... You don't believe in Aliens?
Her: No

Trust me... for like a couple of days we had an argument about the existence of life outside of Earth. For all those GAZILLION universes out there, she really didn't believe that there's a single complex life form out there. Also, she argues that there's none because the possibility of something like Earth happening again is like 1/TRILLION or some absurd number like that.

For some reason, I actually got very angry about this. I don't know why, but I actually didn't speak to her for a couple of days... When I cooled down, I told her (after consulting of my smarty-pant friends) that the universe is expanding by INFINITY! HAH!
INFINITY BEATS TRILLION BILLION GAJOOLES OF UNIVERSES PROBABILITY! I felt like a kid who just won the argument "You're the most icky times INFINITY to the INFINITY!"

So if we would make a hypothesis, the only way of her disproving this theory if that there's actually a group scientist that saw every possible galaxies and universes out there and found zero form of life/complex life or whatever. Until then, I see myself as winning this argument.

(E.T. agrees with me too)

She refused to budge to my MATH LOGIC and still believes that there's no life form out there. I still get a bit riled up when somebody mentions this to me. But yesterday, I realized why I was angry about this. Because usually when somebody tells me that they don't believe in other life forms because of religious or whatever reasons, I don't really care.

I realized that its not because she doesn't believe in aliens, but its because she hated a movie because she doesn't believe in aliens. SUPER LIGHTBULB MOMENT!
As a rebuttal to this is I don't hate every rom-coms because I don't believe the message that they're giving out (TRUE LOVE??) but it doesn't mean I hate all of them.
Lesson learned, my cricket.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This is Why I Don't Watch Soaps: 23 Years of "The Bold and The Beautiful" in 7 Minutes

Survived a Plane Crash and Saved by a Morrocan King??? We all wish, don't we...

Great Thanksgiving News!

My very own contributor, scaramouche, has now opened a new blog for herself!!! Let's all rejoice with the good news and be saddened that I "lost" one of my many talented (but useless) "regular writers" here...

Seriously you guys, all of you are even worse than me, as I required 1 post per month, I should've deleted you guys ... 3 months ago... Well, don't be surprised if I'm deleting all of you now coz you've just been terminated!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

*I don't have to delete myself as I'm the boss of this blog*

sorry for the lack of warning, it was just at a whim's notice that I decided to do it. I'll probably regret it later. Sorry dear friends, don't hate me, hate the game.

But seriously back to scaramouche, the blog is wonderful, articulate, and funny; like all her posts before. Visit it at
Definitely entertaining and I give 2 thumbs up!

In case you couldn't see the link above...

I say you should click it right about now...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hormones Instability

I am not sure what is up with me these couple of days... but for a minute I can feel like


For example I started out today like I was really the fucking sun. I CAN DO ANYTHING AND NOBODY IS GONNA STOP ME (aka going to the mall alone).
So that was how I felt for like the beginning part of my mall journey. Then I remembered an old high school friend of mine apparently opened up a high-end fashion boutique in THIS particular mall! I was like, I'M GONNA CHECK IT OUT!

Let me just clarify that I was wearing my 4 days old t-shirt, jeans, flip flops, and my work bag. All of this while I have unwashed hair, glasses, and massive noise-cancelling headphones with my bedazzled iPod. Since this is Indonesia and people are always so friendly, they're not gonna really judge me on my appearance as much. I. WAS. WRONG.
The store had a security guard that is more like a bouncer I guess, but I PASSED that first phase! HAH! So a store lady greeted me hello with a smile, then after one quick look to what I was really looking like, she was like giving me a "why are you in this store" glare.

what I looked like in her eyes (minus the two dogs)

This was really the moment that I went from BEING THE MOTHERFUCKING SUN to spiral of depression. What went through my mind:
"maybe I should have worn something better"
"why is she following me so closely?"
"erm... should i tell her to not invade my private bubble of space?"
"ooooh, this dress is pretty!"
"ok lady is following me, STILL!"

At this point, I decided that maybe if I name-dropped the owner's name she'll back off a bit (more like backfired on my face).
So I was like "is (name-drop) here today?"
She's like NO
Me: (whispering to myself) coz she's an old friend of mine from high school... i don't need to justify myself...

On My Mind:
"does this lady really thinks i'm gonna just grab a dress and run off the store?"
"yes she does..."
"why is no one rescuing me"
"..............i am ashamed of myself"

And I felt defeated... Thanks, random store lady "helper", you have just made me feel worthless. It was like a black hole appeared next to the sun and vacuumed that shit up. So I marched to the bookstore next and was like sulky and meh... I was just browsing aimlessly and just touching random design books, wishing that I wish I could have a room that beautiful. And realizing I probably never can (serious spiral of depression).

Till I found a book about crocheting THIS!

Hence, once again, the sun mode is back on. And I don't know how to crochet, but I'm still determined to do this once I'm back in NY......... OR I CAN START TOMORROW!

So I was home, and just doing my stuff of boredom. Internet, book, movies, tv, phone, etc... Then I called a friend of mine, and I mistakenly thought that my friend hung up on me. WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK! THAT BITCH BETTER HAVE NOT HUNG UP ON ME OR I'M GONNA GO GODZILLA ON YOUR ASS! I was in serious rage. More like SERIOUS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWRRR!!!!!!!!! LIKE IF I SEE A SONY CAMERA I WILL TAKE IT FROM THE OWNER AND HULK-SMASH IT TO A PULP kinda rage!

Without hesitation, I called my friend back and in my calmest possible voice asked:
friend: huh?
"WHY. DID. YOU. HANG. UP. ON. ME. !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
friend: (still confused as the line actually dropped) what?
friend: I didn't hang up on you.
friend: really. I didn't.
"......................... I'M STILL ANGRY ANYWAYS"

more like ashamed of myself... Going to spend the next day in complete hiding mode and reflect on my behavior today.

Sometimes, when its closing to "that time of the month" my mood becomes a bit erratic, but this is crazier than usual. I mean... come on... really...

So, I'm sorry dear friend for that unfortunate phone call. Even editing this post is giving me a headache.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


They're just swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion


This was stuck in my head for a good week. Enjoy everyone, while I'm on a blogging "streak."

Ennui Becomes Me

I am currently back in my homeland of Indonesia and after spending a wonderful three days of my wonderful cousin, Stephanie's wedding EXTRAVAGANZA, I have contracted a mutant super Asian influenza virus. *not because Asian viruses are better (or worst?), but my cousin (a super reliable source) told me that because doctors give antibiotics here like candy, ergo mutated stronger viruses bacteria as one commenter kindly corrected me.

I also blame the volcanic ashes

Any fucking way, with the combination of jet-lag, superman flu virus (bacteria?), and my stubborness to take antibiotics, I have failed to recover in the usual 5 day grace period. Instead of feeling better, I've been coughing literary all my phlegm out and my chest hurts because of it. Because of this, I have missed a couple of AWESOME opportunities here in Jakarta. Let's not even start with how I'm not able to attend the Temper Trap concert.... Yes, my fault... I get it...

I am now bored out of my fucking mind as usual. OUT OF MY FUCKING MIND PEOPLE! I've been watching more crap TV than ever (Gary Unmarried, Royal Pains, America's Next Top Model season 1million, anything on AXN, Star World, Star Movies) Do you know how annoying it is when you're trying to sleep and "NANANANANANA NANANANANANANANANANA DO YOU WANNA BE ON TOP? (echo "do you wanna be on top") is stuck in your mind?

Very annoying.

Since I always feel more productive when I'm writing on this blog, and its probably the only thing that I do when I'm in Jakarta, I shall write this extra long post for you all. As a couple of minutes ago, I saw a picture that inspired me to blog again (temporarily):

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Vladimir Putin was gifted this dog for signing a gas transit pipeline agreement with Bulgaria (future traders and commodities people, take note about gift-giving).

This photo reminded me on how my sister detests Vladimir Putin, she once wrote us a mega-essay (for fun) about how deplorable this man  is (to be exact "THE ANTI-CHRIST) and sent it to my father, mother, and me......... I wasn't so sure what to do with the information to be exact... it was a hilarious read, because I was probably drunk when I read it.

Anyhoo, I found a treasure of Vladimir Putin photographs in the interwebs... let's start with this

 I am a 57 year old man (probably actor age) and I can still kick your ass. If not my bodyguards will kick it for me.

 Because only awesome people (or the anti-christ) ride tricycle Harley bikes


I apparently just shot a humpback whale with this crossbow... but not to kill! but to track them and to promote SCIENCE AND NATURE! You should really click on that link as it has MORE photos of his Macho Man Super MacGuyver Bond stuff.

*image released from the Russian Tourism Council*
Russia is BEYOOTIFUL! My bare chest cures all diseases and boredom!

Wow... Talk about going waaaaay off tangent... Please enjoy this post. I will update soon again when I found another inspiration for blogging.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Borderline Blasphemous

Urgh... It's finally here... The sneak peek for the U.S. version of "Skins."

The only reason why I haven't stamped this shit with "BLASPHEMY" all over it, is because I haven't seen what the show is like. It could be good, but American remakes of British TV shows has a 90% chance of being complete horse-crap.

Actually, I'm going to take back all those nice things I said... and just give MTV this comment:
HOW DARE YOU make a remake of this show?!?!?! BITCH-SLAP YOU IN THE FACE!
Next thing I know, there's gonna be an American remake of Top Gear... THAT REALLY BETTER NOT HAPPEN (I'm looking at you History channel).

Ok end of rant.

If you haven't seen Skins before, I suggest you go and watch it right away. I'll have my final verdict by January, when the show finally airs. New and creative approaches are always welcomed, but this looks like an exact copy of their Brits counterpart... Seriously... BOOOOOOOOOOO

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

About Matthew Morrison...

I find him really creepy (sometimes to a point that he achieves levels of nastiness when he raps). I know he has great abs, but really...

*that's right bitches, you know you want to lick this*

Is it just me? After seeing the Britney Glee episode, I just really can't with him. CAN'T!
Especially when he tried to be "seductive" (voms).
Seriously, Ryan Murphy, you need to put a stop to this nastiness.

I give you EXHIBIT A:

super creepy

Sunday, September 26, 2010

sorry for the zero updates

I am now a real estate agent in New York CITAAAAY!

Yes, laugh all you want, but I'm now working at Bond New York and I WANT YOU TO USE ME AS YOUR FUTURE RENTAL DEALINGS! Thank you!

I've been busy like crazy. But at the same time have managed to watch most of the Fall's new television.

What's the most surprising new show? NIKITA!

YES, ITS ON THE CW11 AND ITS GOOD! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?! But this new show is definitely on the approve list for you (my minions) to waste your time at. Nikita... for real people, the first quality show I've seen by CW in like EVAAR!

Do you know what is #1 on #cancelledafteroneepisode? SHIT MY DAD SAYS!
*super shit*

The show is with William Shatner, and its base on a twitter account of this guy's dad who says really "funny" things. *I still hate twitter to death and this proves that twitter is shit (in my mind)*

I really hope they cancel that, because its seriously torture to put that shit on air. So shit, so beyooooond shit. Who wants to watch this anyways? Please come forward because for once, I wouldn't mind somebody proving me wrong.

Back to me, I know that nobody is reading this blog anymore, but if you are AND YOU NEED TO MOVE TO NYC! You know where to find me!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Erm, like super EWW... 

What in bachelorette's stripper hell is this? So this Jeff Miranda person is the latest thing that Snooki (of Jersey Shore) is apparently dating. Yes, he does seem to fit the "gorilla" fetish category that she's into, but this picture is just all sorts of wrong. 

First of all, WHERE IS THE RING?!?!?! 
And why is he shirtless and covered in baby oil? Apparently he's a former Iraqi war veteran, so I guess the camo pants are somewhat relevant to the whole theme of "ME ME ME ME." 

For all I know, the cast of Jersey Shore is currently filming their 3rd season, and I really hope that they film the rejection in all its glory. Then she'll go out to a nightclub, get drunk out of her mind, and find a new boyfriend that will not propose in this manner. *Girl, if you have class, let's not bow down to this kind of foolery.  

And if you think I'm mean, here's another photo to torture your eyes with... Yes, there's an actual photo spread of this mess. 
Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Do You Hate Your Job?

Now there's a new escape method for exiting those boring meetings. WITH FLAIR!
Only $51.50! What a bargain


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Song of the Day

This is such a fucking amazing song. The blogs today have been raving about this newly-released song and every single one of them has been saying that Cee-Lo Green's "Fuck You" should've been this summer's anthem.

Yes, they were all correct. Just listen to this, and I guarantee you it'll be stuck in your head.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Now That I Have a *Cat...


*I'm cat-sitting per se... but this cat seriously needs to exercise as its already growing a beer belly.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Watch Things Get Destroyed in Slow Motion

Tempus II from Philip Heron on Vimeo.

If you're bored, its quite beautiful...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Douche Traders

I love these E*Trade baby commercials, even though I detests douchebags with my hearts content. Its a love-hate relationship, on one hand you just really want to smack these douches (yes as a hater), but on the other... they are BABIES!

Once again, I am at the mercy of consumerism

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chanel's 2010 F/W Yeti Costume in the Summer Heat

It is a probably a crime towards society (and mostly to your dignity) if you have ever appeared in any form of a Viacom related-reality show. However, Joe Zee, the creative director of US Elle magazine and also a character on "The City" is one of those exceptions.

Here he is testing out Chanel's all faux-fur Yeti costume in the middle of New York summer heat. As he said, at least guys can wear Chanel too.

From via Racked

Saturday, July 31, 2010


This is a video featuring a caterpillar that has been infiltrated by a parasitic wasp. When I mean "infiltrated," I do mean some Species shit going on. A wasp injects its eggs into the poor caterpillar's body, and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens next...

These tiny little maggot-y looking creatures BITE THEIR WAY OUT... ARGGGHHH!

This is the stuff of my nightmares...

As commenter luciusxx of Youtube says, "DAMN NATURE! YOU SCARY!"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mad Men Star Is Too Hot To Handle

Look at this "journalist" act like a 15 year old when he interviews Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks. I kind of want to start watching it now!

- By Bubbles

*EN: its quite awkward to be honest.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Returning Karma

I googled "happy cat" and this came up

A fellow blogger friend of mine has recently got her articles officially published in an online establishments (aka getting paid). AND WE ARE ALL PROUD OF OUR LITTLE CRICKET GROWING UP!
It would mean a lot to me if you check these articles out and click on the "like" button:
*You don't have to, but its beneficial if you are planning to visit some parts of Europe in the summer. 

-Errr... I forgot all about this post for a month now... Please forgive me (you know who you are). 

But here is her NEW SPANKIN' AWESOME article about backpacking through Central America with includes stories of getting mugged, punching criminals, and buying a machete... ALL FOR FREE!!! 

C'mon, I know you're interested: CLICK HERE for ECLECTICA!

Mad Men Spoilers

A friend of mine went clubbing one day and met one of the many people that works for the show Mad Men. Whether this story is true or not, I will just repeat what my friend was told...

Jump to know the spoiler for Season 4

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Blog is the Universe

The Ultimate Universe has given me a calling today to continue with this blog. HOW you ask?

As I was passing through the east village today, I saw none other than MAX AND JASON (of supreme hotness) inside a certain Venezuelan restaurant. 

The moment I saw these rare creatures of beauty, I GASPED so loudly that it sounded like an asthma attack. I had to make sure it was them, so me and scaramouche went inside to buy some arepas JUST so we can stare at them. Just in case if any of you have forgotten what they look like, here's a refresher:

Apologies for no actual self-taken photos, as I was too flustered to even say anything.

Yes, they are even hotter in real life, may I also add TALL AND those voices. SWOOOOON.

Besides being a creepy stranger, why oh why should I make this a significant event? Because the last time I posted about them, my blog got 500++ unique visitors for that particular post... IN A DAY.

Even till now, it seems like a miracle that my blog reached that capacity of visitors. So, a sign from the heavens (aka Google) for me to semi-dedicate this blog to them.

As, I'm not sure exactly what they are up to now, besides chilling in NYC and spreading joy from their good-looks to the "humble" normal people like me...

So thank you again Max and Jason for the Current TV show, and please do a special segment (in which you guys participate) about "the behavior of people inside a steamy sauna." Thank you very much for your consideration.

*I have dedicated my blog to the "universe" for its awesomeness. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Italy Should Be Ashamed

I AM SUPER DEPRESSED THAT ITALY LOST, as I was rooting for them.

Yes, yes, you could say world champions that didn't even qualify for the final 16 this time around. What-the-fucking-EVER bitch! No need to be so snarky about it.

But I would like to apologize that its been World cup post galore for me, I will try to write about something else, but currently too depressed about yesterday's game. Just when you think they were gonna fight back and finally attack, they only did it on the last 20 minutes of the game. TOO FUCKING LATE, who do you think you are? PORTUGAL? HAH!

So there we go, another baffling World Cup team that didn't go through. Watch the sadness below:


On the other hand, I would like to give my congratulations on Slovakia, as they did played ridiculously well yesterday.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

France is OUT

*some leftover angst from 4 years ago

What the fuck is going on with the France team? Not even with France, but with this whole World Cup premier teams? ITALY? GERMANY? ENGLAND? Uh, HELLO?

You bitches better buck up or I'm gonna start losing my money FAST (as I do enjoy the occasional betting stakes on every World Cup season).

Let's now ignore the comment I made about England as they have just won their latest match against Slovenia, making them eligible for ROUND 2 OF WORLD CUP FIESTA! But guess who's also making the next round? U.S.A!!! YEEAAAH! Scored at the 91 minute mark, but who the hell cares. A goal is still a goal right?

And what would be the point of this post, if I didn't post some videos of some soccer hotties right?

Even if you hate this guy, you have to admit that this was a pretty CRAZY goal! And more World Cup fever would ensue tomorrow... Please be patient my 6 readers...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Boy Who Murdered Love

Sang by Diana Vickers

This song is now stuck in my head after watching last week's episode of The Graham Norton Show. Unfortunately infectious, and now you must all suffer. I still like it though. Enjoy please.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I FINALLY FIXED MY WIRELESS! Oh my shit that took FOREVER! Anyways, for a week I was in no mood to talk to anyone about my internet problems, because it made me want to HULK-SMASH my modem into pieces so small that they become oblivion particles to me.

I have rage issues when it comes to the internet. Don't ask me what happened, because it still turns me in a Godzilla mode.

So me and Scaramouche had a "date" to watch True Blood together with the 12 hours time difference that we have. Distance never interferes with True friendship, AHAHA PUN. But it was a satisfying premiere and it quenched all my cravings. I can't believe I've been waiting a year for this shit. There were tons of male buttocks involved and it was delish.

In fact, I'm not the only one delighted about the new season. As I was browsing my usual blogs this morning, the one and only SNOOP DOGG has made a song proclaiming his love for the one and only Sookie! Don't believe me?

I present you EVIDENCE #1:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Case of the Sads

I'm not going to discuss about my True Blood as I wasn't able to watch it. END OF DIS-FUCKING-CUSSION! As you might have guessed, I'm not too happy about it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Love This Woman

I will take a sidebar break on this World Cup Fiesta to announce what I stumbled upon today. ANOTHER ISABELLA ROSSELLINI SHOW! When she's determined to do something, NO ONE can stop her! My favorite craziest woman of all is back with a new series called Seduce Me. Isabella Rossellini decided that animal copulation is an old thing of the past, the new thing now is ANIMAL SEDUCTION apparently.

This isn't exactly NSFW material, but I'm about 100% sure that you probably wouldn't want to be caught by your boss watching this. Is it funny? Maybe leaning towards disturbing.

I really do wish when I become a grandma, I can be this awesome and embarrass everyone else in the family.

On other news of the world, in regards to animal seduction, an Indonesian man was caught having a sexy time with a cow... He is now forced to marry the cow. NO JOKE.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fabio is Not Pleased

I'm going to make a confession : Fabio Capello kind of terrifies me. Maybe it's the steely gaze behind those oh-so-stylish glasses (which are permanently attached to his face) or maybe it's his weird gestures when he gets angry. It's a love/hate relationship, what can I say? (he's the manager of AC Milan and the coach of the England team for the less futball inclined peoples)

One of his spectacular angry moments (from the distant-ish past- yes, i know very specific frame of time there..)

(btw, the commentator is saying "Look at Fabio Capello! Look Look Look LOok LOOOk!" I love when commentators gossip about people's reactions. call me shallow but it's so much more interesting than "ooooh he should have kicked from the corner. BLAH)

SO! I'm watching the US vs. England game right now and I pity Robert Green for the verbal ass-kicking he will probably get from Fabio for letting the easiest goal go through. I'm not a goalie. Nor do I possess any kind of sport-like coordination. But dude must be kicking himself right now for this:

Yup... someone is slightly screwed.

BTW, i can hear though my windows people cheering in the east village during this game. MAybe people care about the world cup here after all?

(apologies to DA for my lazy lack of blogging recently.)
WAIT~ Forget FAbio, this reaction must have Robert Green shaking in his cleats....


The biggest sporting event of the year is UPON US! Last night I stayed up till after midnight (like WAAAAY past my bedtime) to finish watching the opening ceremony. To my surprise, it was actually good! It was fun, with lots of colors, dancing, and a giant ass dung beetle. Besides that I saw a quick camera zoom on Naomi Campbell being super cheerful... If the show is good enough for her, its WAY to good for us.

Anyways, I'm out of the country and therefore doesn't know any kind of situation in USA regarding to the World Cup. But here, EVERYONE is trying to accommodate their schedules revolving the games. Besides the usual skipping-work routine, some boss of a delivery company will open his house throughout this whole month so his employee can watch the games and congregate. This was local prime time news material yesterday.

I am rooting for a lot of teams (but ITALIA is my one true love), so its just a matter of process of elimination to see who'll win in the end. So far there was an opening game last night for South Africa vs. Mexico (1-1), as much as I would like to have seen them win the first game it sadly didn't happen.

On another note, there is currently an ongoing issue with my wireless service as it one day just STOPPED working. After this shit is FIXED, I will finally be able to watch something online. If not, then I will watch S. Korea vs. Greece. Its called desperate.

*Thanks to my unidentified neighbor who gives out free internet, your karma in return will be a splendid one.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Mother


I FEEL SO BETRAYED! How can she do this to her own flesh and blood?! AND FOR WHY? I immediately told her to stop watching that crap, but I doubt that she'll listen to me. ("Lily van de whatever is soooooo stylish, I love what she wears on the show"). Still does not justify.

But anyways, I was sitting next to my mom yesterday and I saw her trying to type with her Blackberry. TRYING being the keyword as she   t        y      p       e        s          t        h         i         s           s        l           o         w.
She literary searches for each letter, and this is already with 2 months of "practice..."
I really think Gossip Girl is to blame for, it has affected her motor skills and now I must burn that whole DVD collection.
Besides the joyous feeling of having a bonfire, I will also give her this as her birthday present:
She needs it (no, its for me actually).

Monday, June 7, 2010

Back to Civilization

I just went to Bali for 4 days, and NOT ONCE DID I TOUCH SAND OR WAS IN A FREAKING POOL. Instead of doing those wonderful activities, I was stuck in a hotel lobby (I hate you Westin Hotel) doing meetings after meetings for what it feels like eternity. And NO, I cannot tell you what my meetings are about as they are part of my secret other life. (not really)

(The nicer part of Westin that I did not see)

What SUCKS most about the hotels there, is they make you PAY for internet. I rather pay for my "free breakfast" than for internet, its just one of my weird principles. So I had a full week gone without my wonderful television show to keep me company.

As of now I'm in a location which maximum wireless service, I can now share with you, a new discovery.

I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing when I was watching this. This is the "latest" dance-move discovery from Brazil known as "Surra de Bunda" (which apparently means "ass smacking"). To be honest, I'm not sure if its a turn on or just painful... And what happens if she farts in his face? THIS MOVE WILL BE THE ULTIMATE STRIPPER REVENGE!
I know one of you will try to do this at home, so please don't hurt yourselves. Thank you

via Gawker

Friday, May 28, 2010

Money Can't Buy Me Class Ever

I am currently off an 18 hour flight and on a stopover in Singapore for... who knows how long I'm gonna be stuck here. But ANYWAYS, when I landed, I saw this discerning music video featuring Countess LuAnn of The Real Housewives of New York. This is definitely one of the year's most noteworthy music videos as they have achieved new levels of photoshopping (like some Avatar shit going on here). Whoever made it, you do deserve a medal for having to listen to this mess while trying to fix her face... repeatedly. Bravo for those brave souls out there.

Updates will be even more wonkier this week as I'm on "official business work" duty right now. (insert laughs).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For Your Information (and Laughter)

THESE are the shows that are going to be cancelled next season:

24Law & OrderBetter Off Ted, Blonde Charity MafiaBrothers,DollhouseEastwickFlashForward, HankHeroes, LostMelrose Place, Mercy, Past LifeRomantically Challenged (Only 2 episodes aired and cancelled, it was really, truly shiteous), Scrubs, Sit Down, Shut UpThe Beautiful Life,The Jay Leno ShowThe Wanda Sykes Show, Three Rivers‘Til DeathTrauma, Ugly BettyThe Deep EndThe ForgottenHappy TownSons of Tucson, Cold Case, Miami Medical, NUMB3RSAccidentally on PurposeThe New Adventures of Old Christine, Gary Unmarried, Ghost Whisperer.

To be honest, I have never heard about 70% of these shows, and I automatically think that if I don't bother to watch about it, its bound to get cancelled. (I really have a GOD complex, and I know I haven't done anything in my life to acquire such a disorder). Must make myself humble... too.. hard... don't mock me......

ANYWAYS, NOW we can all laugh together at their demise: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (only if that makes you feel better)
More like a Devil Complex, I must say.

Mildly Offended

Television is a drug. from Beth Fulton on Vimeo.

Some people (AKA EVERYONE) thinks that this video resembles me just a bit. Maybe TV had a great osmosis effect to my brain, but you know what... No scientific evidence = No proof.
Watch it and be the judge for yourself.


Monday, May 24, 2010


The new trailer for Season 3 of TRUE BLOOD IS FINALLY OUT! I AM SO EXCITEEEED! My mother keeps asking me why I need to be back in the states by June 13... She thinks its because I have a secret boyfriend, but its actually for THIS SHOW! I just deny everything usually. Ahahaha (flips hair).

*Bitches, we gonna have a party!


I came back from my trip to Japan (I'll tell you all about it LATER!) And was diagnosed with strep throat, my neck and face is swollen because of my continuously swelling lymph nodes, therefore making me look like quasimodo. On top of all of this, today was the SERIES FINALE OF LOST! This is the moment everyone has been waiting for, and I fell asleep while watching it (not because it was boring, I'm on drowsy medication)... I'm sorry, but I can't give you a full analysis of it. (apologies, but hopefully the cat montage would make up for it).

But I know what happens in the end as I decided to google it a minute ago. JUMP IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just Say No

I have recently became an addict to the show called "Say Yes To The Dress." TLC has a marathon of this show on Friday nights, therefore I lie to my friends and say that "I'm tired" so I can stay home and watch this mess. (theory has further proven that I am a LOSER).
SYNOPSIS TIME! The concept is simple, brides go to "prestigious" Kleinfeld wedding boutique in New York to find their perfect dress.

You think I would hate this shows like these, but you are totally WRONG! As I utterly LOVE this ejacula-blasta-vaganza! Its NOT because I like imagining my own wedding or whatever, but because these brides sometimes just choose the most hideous dresses EVER (see first photo). Honey, seriously put that dress down. Some of these brides can't even afford their dresses and will sacrifice their rent money for it... This scenario has NO written all over it.

I'm sorry to interrupt, I actually manage to find the most hideous wedding gown ever:
My cousin is getting married in a few months and still haven't found a dress yet. If you are reading this, I suggest this wonderful Hello Kitty dress for you. You know you want to.

*For SVG

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This is Disturbing

I know sometimes the shows that come from Japan are kinda questionable, but this one really is the cream of it all. My friend showed me a clip of this show once like EONS ago and I realize that this was a worthy material to share upon my followers. *please watch it as it is in English*

The show is called "Oh Mikey!" and its basically a comedy sketch with all characters played by mannequins (Old Navy, I see where you got the idea). I have met some people who think this shit is hilarious, but I personally don't get it at all... In fact! This is freaky for me, but yet I can see Adult Swim picking this for their new line-up. Well, let's hope one of you will enjoy this.

*For Aiya

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



NO, I AM NOT SORRY ABOUT THE LACK OF UPDATES ON THIS BLOG. Kidding, I really would like to apologize for it, because I have a complex where I love it when people leaves me comments. It really validates the purpose of my life. Therefore, lately I have been feeling hopeless and lonely without the support of your comments, and therefore has decided to commence my blogging "career" again.

To end this note, I would like to present you with Exhibit A:

Happy Cinco De Mayo!
*My Desktop Computer

Friday, April 30, 2010

Depression is Not Funny...?

So... as we are all unaware of, STARZ has been trying to jump into the"premium cable tv production" boat like the rest of its peers. I do have to tell Starz, that the key word here is PREMIUM, because so far everything just looked like something you can get out of Spike TV or the Oxygen channel.
The only reason I am watching "Gravity" is because of billboards brainwash every time I journey into Chelsea (another reason why I detest that area). Have you TRIED watching this "new original series?"


Its suppose to be a dark comedy/dramedy, but I think from the first episode it has failed to do either. The show's is centered on a support group for people that have failed to commit suicide. See, it does sound interesting right? RIGHT?

EEEEEEEK (sound of Taboo buzz)! WRONG BITCHES! Its confusing and as a lot of other reviewers have said, its because they can't seem to find a tone for the show.
Also, I personally think these people aren't depressed enough to display what actual depression is like. Its like these people never heard the term of "suicide watch," because miraculously after two days from physical recovery, they bounce back to their normal selves... I just hope to dear universe that Starz won't become the CW version of premium channels. Because by this point you should know how I feel about CWfreaking11.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Under-Appreciated Stylish Male Characters - The Classics

In the previous edition I featured a few gentlemen TV characters of the last 20 years whose style I could abide by. Here's a look at some from a slightly older time who deserve special mention. They're not necessarily immaculate, but like I said, they deserve more credit than they get.

Alex P Keaton

Family Ties in my opinion was never really that entertaining. It did however introduce audiences to the awesomeness that is Michael J Fox and his character Alex P Keaton, one of the most conservative characters to grace mainstream American TV. Maybe it's because Fox is such a likable actor, but Alex P Keaton, for all his Reagan-esque, ueber-Republican, Milton Friedman loving, stereotypically 80s prep overkill, pulls off the look. Probably because of all the aforementioned qualities. Plus, he dresses better than Steven Keaton. Not that that is hard to do.

The Prisoner/Number Six

It's no fun to dress well when you're imprisoned in a village because your borderline Orwellian government is trying to figure out why you quit your job as a secret agent. The Prisoner was a huge mindfuck to say the least. But at least Patrick McGoohan's Number Six came out looking pretty natty always dressed in dark colors. Cool piping on the jacket too.

Alex Scott and Kelly Robinson

This is what good 1960s tailoring does for you before it's ruined by bell bottom jeans, tie dye and lame headbands. Alex Scott, as played by Bill Cosby, is a multilingual Rhodes Scholar and is the perfect foil to his spy partner Kelly Robinson's (played by the late Robert Culp) more playboy ways. Who says fronting as tennis players is no fun?

Remington Steele

Was there any doubt that Pierce Brosnan couldn't look good in a suit? The Bogart loving con-man turned PI always turned out well, wearing well cut suits, and clean french cuff shirts. This experience gave him good practice for a more distinguished position a few years later. Plus, the best con-men always look their best, it's all part of the trick.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Under-Appreciated Stylish Male TV Characters

Everyone's justifiably waxed lyrical about how well dressed the men of Mad Men (well, except Harry Crane; no one should abide by short sleeved dress shirts under suits and clip on bow ties) and Barney Stinson are. While the aforementioned characters are all well dressed, I want to give a shout out to some male tv characters of the last 20 years who deserve more credit for their style.

Frasier and Niles Crane

Other than Frasier's unfortunate long hair at the beginning of the series and Niles' occasional 3 button peak lapel suit, the two best Freudian and Jungian psychiatrists in TV history have always looked their sartorial best, with Frasier usually favoring odd jackets and Niles double breasted and 3 button suits. Even though these guys had their start in the 90s, they thankfully did not fall prey to the schlubbiness of most 90s male tv characters (i.e. Ross, Chandler and Joey, as funny as they are, look appalling), wearing clothes that actually fit them well and dressing their ages.

GOB Bluth

Him? Yes, seriously. Think about it vis a vis his attitude and lifestyle. His loose linen suits, refusal to wear a tie, paisley shirts and general lack of regard for any shoe but sandals and espradilles express his "I don't give a fuck" attitude (though he obviously does care, why else would the stylists have put his character in those clothes?). He wears all of these items well. Gotta commend the guy on that. Well okay he does wear a tie once, in his father's progressively more expensive suit.

Jack Donaghy

This is how power should dress. He keeps it simple. Dark suit. Pale blue or white shirt. Dark tie. Dark shoes. He even takes a page out of JFK's book and purposely buttons his lower jacket button, which one should normally not do unless the jackets are custom, which Donaghy's obviously are. Plus he almost exclusively wears tuxes after six. What is he, a farmer?

Jeeves and Wooster

Reginald Jeeves and Bertie Wooster are Edwardian style at their best (okay the weight of their suit fabrics are not quite so accurate, but whatever). Wooster with his extravagant and fairly fashion forward ways (he dared to wear a straw hat in the metropolis, though his white mess jacket did make him look like a waiter), and Jeeves with his monochromatic valet attire trying to get Wooster to dress properly were always spot on.

Brother Mouzone

Don't let the bowtie and Harper's fool you. The trim dark suits, the bow tie, the precise manner of speaking, the diction. You wouldn't expect a man like that be a cold blooded killer, would you? Most of his victims don't.

Part 2 featuring more classic TV stars to follow later.