Alright, and I just lost another client, which I seem to be acing at lately. I'm literary on a STREAK of losing clients over phone calls; I should be proud of myself for achieving such a substantial ability that doesn't come too easily. (pat on the back/the glass is always half full)
Let's get back to the main business....
We were luckily enough to be sat on the third row of the theaters so we could get the MAXIMUM IMMERSION of visual and audio experience. While I was enjoying the movie and being submersed by the plot-line, little did I know that my friend was almost going to walk out of the movie.
After the movie ended, I was like "WHAT AN AWESOME MOVIE!"
But...She thought District 9 was THE WORST MOVIE SHE'S EVER SEEN!!!! (her own words and expression) AND SHE'S SEEN "WHEN IN ROME" STARRING KRISTEN BELL...
So I was like... "Huh?! Why do you hate it?"
Me: Errr... You don't believe in Aliens?
Her: No
Trust me... for like a couple of days we had an argument about the existence of life outside of Earth. For all those GAZILLION universes out there, she really didn't believe that there's a single complex life form out there. Also, she argues that there's none because the possibility of something like Earth happening again is like 1/TRILLION or some absurd number like that.
INFINITY BEATS TRILLION BILLION GAJOOLES OF UNIVERSES PROBABILITY! I felt like a kid who just won the argument "You're the most icky times INFINITY to the INFINITY!"
So if we would make a hypothesis, the only way of her disproving this theory if that there's actually a group scientist that saw every possible galaxies and universes out there and found zero form of life/complex life or whatever. Until then, I see myself as winning this argument.
(E.T. agrees with me too)
I realized that its not because she doesn't believe in aliens, but its because she hated a movie because she doesn't believe in aliens. SUPER LIGHTBULB MOMENT!
As a rebuttal to this is I don't hate every rom-coms because I don't believe the message that they're giving out (TRUE LOVE??) but it doesn't mean I hate all of them.
Lesson learned, my cricket.