Saturday, March 27, 2010


Dear Ladies of the World: 

There are two hot ass dudes hosting a show on Current TV (yes, that Al Gore channel) called "Max and Jason: Still Up."  My friend thought that this was a gay show because of the name... ANYWAYS...  HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? They're two ridiculously good-looking men that are hot, tall, well dressed, with a sexy low voice.... SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!! (Somebody please catch me as I fall of my sofa). 

I would probably watch this even if this was gay porno. I don't even care what they're talking about, they probably can blab from super informative things to crazy cat ladies issues and I would still be totally into it. Oh how I love my job as a blogger. 

Truly Awesome



  1. I dunno, Jason Silva was quoted saying he and Max were "the gayest straight guys ever" and but what strikes me as gay is the fact that they live together. I'm sure Current pays them a decent wage, can't they afford separate apartments - even if they're just next door to each other? I know they're best friends but I can't help but wonder.

    I liked the show but sometimes they're just too mild - neither opposing or supporting certain topics; it's they're straddling a fence . . . together. And if their show WAS a gay porno they'd be getting a massive audience (myself included).

    P.S. - I've always found Max to be more attractive. I'd always watch him and when Jason would speak I'd still be looking at him - creepy right? He's like the physical archetype of what I look for in a guy.

  2. I personally feel like they are both equally hot - just each in their own way. Jason as the existential explorer and Max as the poet. I happen to know neither of them are gay - just amazing guys, who are close friends. They also do a lot separately - Jason is working on an amazing documentary called Turning Into Gods ( and Max is an incredible up and coming musician (
    ....and yes, they look dead hot dressed up for the GQ event.

  3. They are both hotness on a stick.
