Thursday, October 21, 2010

Borderline Blasphemous

Urgh... It's finally here... The sneak peek for the U.S. version of "Skins."

The only reason why I haven't stamped this shit with "BLASPHEMY" all over it, is because I haven't seen what the show is like. It could be good, but American remakes of British TV shows has a 90% chance of being complete horse-crap.

Actually, I'm going to take back all those nice things I said... and just give MTV this comment:
HOW DARE YOU make a remake of this show?!?!?! BITCH-SLAP YOU IN THE FACE!
Next thing I know, there's gonna be an American remake of Top Gear... THAT REALLY BETTER NOT HAPPEN (I'm looking at you History channel).

Ok end of rant.

If you haven't seen Skins before, I suggest you go and watch it right away. I'll have my final verdict by January, when the show finally airs. New and creative approaches are always welcomed, but this looks like an exact copy of their Brits counterpart... Seriously... BOOOOOOOOOOO