Friday, January 30, 2009

Shows with Strong Pilots (SWSP), but...

kinda sucks. Oh, and i'm talking about Fringe, that show on FOX. Sorry for fans out there, but even i know that this is not real science and therefore you shouldn't be getting your "science" education from this show. So, this is a note i posted on facebook, and somehow it initiated this whole blog movement (with 4 viewerships that i get because my friends pity me). Its not pity sex, its pity reading. Here it is: 

I just decided to start watching a brand new tv show at 3am. the show on the topic of today's discussion is called "Fringe," some of you might know or have watched it. this show is basically about "Fringe Science" aka bullcrap science, like telepathy, teleportation, and reanimation shiz. ALSO, (this is important), it is created and partially written by J.J. Abrams. oh, you know, the guy that made shows such as Alias and Lost (Felicity is not going to be included for the argument right now). 

*how i'm feeling about the show right now. 

J.J (yes that's right, after 6 years of watching his shows, i deserve to call him on a first name basis), decided that he will take MOST of the elements of the previous shows and incorporate it with a sci-fi twist. so i just finished the 80 minutes pilot, and would have to say that it is pretty good, as i am a sucker for sci-fi. but i just need to point out some spoilers right now. 

1. for some reason, J.J. needs/likes to kill the love of the protagonist's life at the FIRST episode (also in Alias). why is this? i don't know, maybe he has some mother problems or attachment issues. but if he makes a new show/movie right after this, expect someone to die in the first episode. wait, he DOES have a new movie out soon... "Star Trek," expect deaths people. don't get too attached to the characters (like i did). 

2. he also still likes to put in suspenseful freaky music RIGHT before the commercials (both in Alias and Lost). WHY DOES HE DO THIS? it creeps the shit out of me. i was watching this show with limited interruption from the movie "the uninvited (HOrror movie)," courtesy of seriously, it was just not pleasant. 

3. ok, and lastly, J.J. likes the concept of "oh the universe already has a plan for all of us" kind of crap. "Rambaldi" in alias. and "the Island" in lost. now, in this spectacular new show, its called "the Pattern" where everything in the world happens for a purpose, and basically if you're part of "the Pattern," you're sooooooo fucked. 

4. no, actually this is the last one, J.J. would always end his episodes with a MAJOR cliff hanger, the ones that will make you NOT sleep and instead watch this ridiculous show till 11am. 

so fuck you and thank you J.J. Abrams. 
You really know me well after all these years and still produce consistently good shows (even though your movies are mediocre [mission impossible III anyone?]). i know that i'm a loser (almost worth to be de-friended) for writing this, but i felt that it was utterly important to share with the world (or at least my circle of "friends". I am sleepy, but i will watch episode 2 and see if i'm ready to commit to a new show. 

*sorry to friends who wants to chill tmrw, but there's a 30% chance that i will get out of my room. 

UPDATE: THIS SHOW KINDA SUCKS. 2nd episode was a major downgrade. like MAJOR. my recommendation: DON'T COMMIT! but maybe give them the ratings once in a while. 
UPDATE II: uh, i finished 11 episodes in a row, so maybe its not so bad after all. 

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