Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh Lindsay...

As of RIGHT NOW, I am watching "I Know Who Killed Me My Dignity" AGAIN. Yes, this horrifying mess needs to be repeatedly watched at any given opportunity! I know Lindsay Lohan chose this movie not because of the "great script" of a bullshit she gave us as an excuse, its just so she could pole dance for 5 minutes of the movie. You don't need a reason to act like a whore Lindsay, you are already a better one in real life.

What's the story about you ask? Uh... Let me try to simplify this as much as I can. (SPOILER ALERT! But nobody should care!) Lindsay Lohan plays two characters: separated identical twin sisters Aubrey and Dakota. Aubrey got kidnapped by this serial killer, and while they searched for her, instead they found Dakota. Nobody in the world believes that Dakota is actually a "totally" different person, so they diagnosed her with Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka Multiple Personality Disorder).

Turns out that both sisters have that magical twin power, when one twin gets harmed, the other one will also get harmed. So in this case, Aubrey lost a leg, arm and fingers; so did Dakota. Dakota (the stripper one) FINALLY AT THE END OF THE MOVIE found out that she had a twin and they share this "supernatural" gift together. I know... at this part I was like, WHY DID I WATCH THIS? Then she managed to find her sister and kill her abductor, all while having only one leg and one hand. COME ON! I'm not saying that a disabled person is not capable of doing these things, but this is LINDSAY LOHAN we're talking about!

This movie won 8 (EIGHT!) Razzies! One of them "Worst Excuse for a Horror Movie" HA! If you don't believe me on how horrible this movie can be, I think you should go out and watch it for yourself. I don't even care if she's a trainwreck, I'll probably watch anything she's in. Next I'm about to inflict some pain to myself by watching "Labor Pains."

*Thanks woah!nerdy for enthusiastically watching it the first time with me.


  1. i heard labor pains was not that bad..amazingly.. but i also heard that on the made for tv version they cut out this whole scene of lamaze class..i wonder why....did lindsay whip out her portable stripper's pole and seduce fellow lamaze peoples?

  2. btw, if it makes u feel better, i just willingly watched just my luck for the second and those were her glory days....

  3. i still don't understand the plot of the movie. how come cut off so many limbs, etc.? oi, faster come back leh.


  4. The New York society misses its premier judgmental TV blogger!
