Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doctor WHOoOoOooOoooo

That's right, the season is back with the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith! Here he is above in action... "Sonic screwdriver blast off!" (that's what I would say if I ever had one)...
Being as depressed as anyone could possibly be about David Tennant's departure, this was definitely a refreshing start to the new era. This new guy might not be as cute, but he is charming and extremely energetic; at least enough for me to feel his persona through the screen. *Brownie points for the bow-tie wardrobe change. 

However, his new companion, Amy Pond (real name: Karen Gillan) is a HOTTIE! I've always have a thing for female redheads. There's just something so sexy about them, I just can't seem to exactly put my finger on it to what it is. Yes, there's definitely that minor sexual tension between the both of them, like all the previous Doctor-Companion relationships. But this one is an odd match, but a good one, like french fries and soft-serve ice cream. (Don't you dare give me a disgusted look).

*I am also busy on my telephone

Anyways, the newest episode is called "The Eleventh Hour," and please read a more legitimate review HERE if you've maxed out on your Megavideo and just cannot wait for the BBC-America premiere on April 17th.

1 comment:

  1. French fries and soft serve ice cream combo?????? That's one notch above heaven in the fast food universe

