Friday, April 16, 2010

What The Fuck Google

I would like to apologize for my week of absence. The reason behind that is because Google Ads decided to disable my fucking account out of the blue and didn't bother to give me an explanation to WHY THEY DID THAT. It was personally an insulting experience as I had to file an "APPEAL" to them to and explain why my "readers are beneficial to Google Ads and their advertisers." 

REALLY? First of all, I would like to ask you, DEAR READERS, to tell me how you are beneficial to Google Ads? Maybe if the answer comes from the mouth of the public, then they'll believe me more. 

After NICELY appealing to them, Google specialist was "unable to reinstate my account" because of unknown reasons. Seriously, I "made" thirty hypothetical dollars in ONE YEAR! I probably could make more in a day being a homeless person on the streets of New York City. NO SHIT GUARANTEE! 

Ok, anger should be subsiding now. Don't you worry (my five fans out there), I'm still going to continue blogging. I will update some shit later on during the week, I'm going to start drinking early today. I've been on a marathon of "How To Make It In America," and I thought the opening credit song is appropriate for my situation now. I still do think the show is not HBO's best show ever (aka shit). But that might just be because I'm in a mood... Who the fuck cares. 

I need a dollar, dollar, dollar is what I need.

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