Monday, June 7, 2010

Back to Civilization

I just went to Bali for 4 days, and NOT ONCE DID I TOUCH SAND OR WAS IN A FREAKING POOL. Instead of doing those wonderful activities, I was stuck in a hotel lobby (I hate you Westin Hotel) doing meetings after meetings for what it feels like eternity. And NO, I cannot tell you what my meetings are about as they are part of my secret other life. (not really)

(The nicer part of Westin that I did not see)

What SUCKS most about the hotels there, is they make you PAY for internet. I rather pay for my "free breakfast" than for internet, its just one of my weird principles. So I had a full week gone without my wonderful television show to keep me company.

As of now I'm in a location which maximum wireless service, I can now share with you, a new discovery.

I don't know why, but I can't stop laughing when I was watching this. This is the "latest" dance-move discovery from Brazil known as "Surra de Bunda" (which apparently means "ass smacking"). To be honest, I'm not sure if its a turn on or just painful... And what happens if she farts in his face? THIS MOVE WILL BE THE ULTIMATE STRIPPER REVENGE!
I know one of you will try to do this at home, so please don't hurt yourselves. Thank you

via Gawker

1 comment:

  1. I guess you'd know about the farting bit

