Friday, June 18, 2010


I FINALLY FIXED MY WIRELESS! Oh my shit that took FOREVER! Anyways, for a week I was in no mood to talk to anyone about my internet problems, because it made me want to HULK-SMASH my modem into pieces so small that they become oblivion particles to me.

I have rage issues when it comes to the internet. Don't ask me what happened, because it still turns me in a Godzilla mode.

So me and Scaramouche had a "date" to watch True Blood together with the 12 hours time difference that we have. Distance never interferes with True friendship, AHAHA PUN. But it was a satisfying premiere and it quenched all my cravings. I can't believe I've been waiting a year for this shit. There were tons of male buttocks involved and it was delish.

In fact, I'm not the only one delighted about the new season. As I was browsing my usual blogs this morning, the one and only SNOOP DOGG has made a song proclaiming his love for the one and only Sookie! Don't believe me?

I present you EVIDENCE #1:

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