Saturday, June 27, 2009

Groundbreaking News on Wheat Vandalism

MORE EVIDENCE proving that alien doesn't create crop circles! (insert "AH-HA I told you soooo") Would you guess that the animal above is responsible for some of the crop circles in Australia? These crazy-ass WALLABIES are responsible for such great art (when an animal does it, its all innocent and arty, not vandalism). APPARENTLY, Wallabies have been breaking into Australia's finest poppy fields and been eating that shit as food. Yummy-yum nutritious. So they get high and go into a trance and start hopping around the field creating "crop circles." 

One of the representative bitches said ""The one interesting bit that I found recently in one of my briefs on the poppy industry was that we have a problem with wallabies entering poppy fields, getting as high as a kite and going around in circles," 

*Not actual Wallaby Art, but I was really hoping it looked like this

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NEEDS TO PUT A 24 HOURS LIVE-FEED SURVEILLANCE OF THE FIELDS! Then finally maybe somebody can beat that Kruger extravaganza thing. What am I talking about? Nobody can beat that insane animal sighting. I went to South Africa TWICE and not once did I see anything as awesome as that.  

ANYWAYS, did you know that Australia supplies 50% of the world's legally-grown opium? Paging all addicts: there's a new country you can invade. Don't be jealous of the Wallabies, be A WALLABY. 

*Thanks Kora


  1. the Battle at the Kruger thing is awesome! now that's what I call a friggin nature documentary, not some mushy crap with leopards and gazelles living peacefully side by side.


  2. Sooooo....Sookie gets gets killed in the beginning of episode 3 and then is resurrected at the end by some mystical vampire ritual...there you go folks..stay tuned for next weeks updates! haha

    -Anon. ;)

    (god that show sucks)

  3. thank you for this piece of info deb. I know you targeted this post at me when you said "paging all addicts!"
