Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Just catching up on a month's worth of DVR... It took me all night long. I've always had "How I Met Your Mother" on the things that's scheduled on the machine. Its not my favorite, but if there's nothing else to watch and I'm on the brink of boredom, I will succumb to mediocre comedy.

Neil Patrick Harris is hard to resist, especially as Barney. Why am I writing about this? Because I think I just drank a liter of glitter-potion from a friend. "Water" she told me... look at me today, I've Gone completely MUSICAL-berserk. I've been listening to Xanadu the whole day and is considering going for a Glee marathon. Not a joke. Anyways, there's this musical bit on HYIMYM and its been stuck in my head for half a day. Its not bad. From the 100th episode: Girls vs. Suits

I hope those rumors about him heading towards Glee is true. I would love to see him in Glee, he would be a better choice than J.Lo and Justin Timberlake COMBINED. Don't even get me started on J.Lo and her Louboutin crap. That's another story for another day.

1 comment:

  1. So excited about him being on Glee!!!! :) and I LOVE HIMYM and Suits
