Neil Patrick Harris is hard to resist, especially as Barney. Why am I writing about this? Because I think I just drank a liter of glitter-potion from a friend. "Water" she told me... look at me today, I've Gone completely MUSICAL-berserk. I've been listening to Xanadu the whole day and is considering going for a Glee marathon. Not a joke. Anyways, there's this musical bit on HYIMYM and its been stuck in my head for half a day. Its not bad. From the 100th episode: Girls vs. Suits
I hope those rumors about him heading towards Glee is true. I would love to see him in Glee, he would be a better choice than J.Lo and Justin Timberlake COMBINED. Don't even get me started on J.Lo and her Louboutin crap. That's another story for another day.
So excited about him being on Glee!!!! :) and I LOVE HIMYM and Suits