Tuesday, January 26, 2010


HELLO sexy READERS! Now that I've caught your immediate attention, let me tell you that TODAY IS MY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR THIS BLOG! I have been in the mood of reflection and deep thoughts (joke. I'm not capable). But seriously, even with the miniscule amount of people reading this blog, I am still grateful that anyone reads it at all. So THANK YOU! THANK YOU, EVERYONE!

I only write because I love doing so. Watching shows does give me tons of inspirations to write, and because of that I have tremendous amount of fun doing it. The entertainment provided in these posts for the last year has hopefully fill your hearts with joy and your voice with laughter... I can't continue with this preachy shit.

Now its time to get DRUNK! 200++ POSTS PER YEAR! NOT TOO FUCKING SHABBY FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS A PROBLEM WRITING ESSAYS FOR ALL TIMES! This whole week, I will be "partying" it up in my apartment, meaning I will be finishing my liquor cabinet. All of you are INVITED to join in the celebration (email me)! I'm sorry that it couldn't be any grander, but if I could fictionally celebrate it at one place, it would be in Grand Prospect Hall. The place is just too regal for words.

One Judgmental Person

*Boobs belongs to Candice. Thank you, they are very nice. And I know the ink takes DAYS to go off.


  1. happy 1st!!! *lights firecrackers and annoying noise makers*
    this is a landmark moment = must be celebrated by getting you very inebriated.

  2. Whao are those yours!? You're making me look at you in a different way now ;)

  3. bon anniversaire! did you get a boob job to commemorate it? now that's what i call to dedication to the profession!
