Friday, February 5, 2010


About 10% of her shoe collection -(Estimation made from my mind)

Lindsay Lohan had just made an appearance on "The Insider" to tell the WORLD that she might be a "hoarder." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HER FOR THIS??? She is the gift that keeps giving!

You MUST see this "EXCLUSIVE!" clip on how somebody (that cares) might give her an "intervention" about her "hoarding" problem.

After seeing this, to be honest, I'm actually kind of jealous that she has space to store all those SHOES! Yes, I understand that I have a problem when I'm envious of Lindsay Lohan's issues. However, in my defense, this is one of her better "issues" that she has... So, I am now JUSTIFIED!

1 comment:

  1. I actually expected a celbrity to have many more shoes than that...
