Monday, February 15, 2010

The Ricky Gervais Show: "It's Not as Good as The Simpsons"

A variety of factors have culminated in me being a tiny bit tipsy tonight. (Below, in no particular order)

1) IKEA: More specifically, the dismembered pieces of an IKEA couch that are inhabiting-- no, TAKING OVER-- my living room. IKEA is deceptive. It fools you into thinking you will receive a piece of furniture in one piece..but requires assembly skills and tools which I DO NOT HAVE!

2) BEER: two beers. yes, two. I realize that's pathetic. It's been a long day. and keep in mind I'm smaller than the average garden gnome. Well, not that small, but I'm realizing people quite frequently use me as a thing on which to lean. (You know you who you are....)

3) HOME AND AWAY: For anyone familiar with this Australian soap opera, you know how utterly terrible it is. For anyone not familiar, stay away, I beg you, you risk losing many things, such as your brain cells and your integrity. (I didn't watch this by choice, I had to write a survey about it at work.)

In conclusion, my apologies for any blatant typos. or brain snafus. (Did you know that snafu is; Situation Normal: All Fucked Up? I didn't, until I googled it just now) At least there is a fresh package of Ikea meatballs in my freezer to warm my cold heart. (note, this is not a product placement attempt for Ikea, please don't mistake it as such since my relationship with it is fraught with emotions right now)

On to more important things. such as, RICKY GERVAIS> (from; The Office (the one w/out Steve Carell), that movie with the guy who can see the dead people that's not the movie with the kid that can see dead people, the Golden Globes, The Invention of Lying, Extras, etc)

Now, he is coming to HBO, with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington in tow, with a deceivingly simple idea (like that IKEA couch I told you about)- an animated version of podcasts featuring discussions between the three of them. These discussions feature subjects such as, a sex-simulating machine, peeking at another man's genitalia in the locker rooms, peeking at a two-headed man's genitalia in a locker room, to be more specific, and bungee jumping before you reach the age of 78.

Here's a clip:

(If you seek a more in-depth analysis, see the New York Times; They prob weren't tipsy when they wrote theirs.

But the break-out star of this animated gem is undoubtedly Ricky Gervais' cackling laugh.

Case in point: (you really don't need to watch the full five minutes to get the point)

The show starts on February 19th on HBO. I haven't seen a full episode yet so I apologize if, in the near future, you think that it's shit.

Here's a half-hearted endorsement from its stars:

And if you prefer a live, flesh and blood Ricky Gervais, I whole-heartedly recommend you watch this clip:

Ok, too much thinking = tipsiness has subsided. Maybe I'm not such a lightweight after all....?

-By Scaramouche

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