Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lost, as ALWAYS

So, as a friend was telling me that the new season of Lost was premiering last night... Yes, this will be their FINAL SEASON! Finally, an end to a giant vomit mess!

I told her I stopped watching that show 2 years ago when all the people I cared about started dying one by one. JJ Abrams broke my heart, and I don't think I'm ready to dive back into his ever so loving wonderful shows. On top of that, there was the part on how confusing this show has became: Time travel? Another dimension? Smoke monster? Talking to dead people? MORE dead people? I need to stop typing as I'm giving myself a self-induced vertigo.

She then told me that the producers specifically designed the premiere episode so people would get the basic gist of the show even though if they are as clueless as I am.

Okay, so I voluntarily took the challenge and watched it.


Whatever, the best thing about Lost is when some Bolivian news team thought that the plane crash was real:

True story.

P.S.: If you ever want to see the Island's geography in subway map formation. CLICK HERE

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