Monday, March 1, 2010

Whoop De Doo

Yes, it has been apparent that I am not learning my lesson in "hiring contributors." As I have already "fired" one already, I felt that the balance of yin and yang has been shifted and quickly recruited a new journalist.

Let me introduce you to Bubbles, who wrote that book report on "The Game" two posts below: Bubbles is... bubbly... and likes musicals... probably wishes she lives in a rainbow, have a pet unicorn, and be a Power Puff Girl. But, I'm not bias or judgmental (HA! GET IT?!) I'm willing to diversify (with restrictions) and if Bubbles is cool with it, then we're awesome.

Please don't be surprised if you read a Glee promotion post coming from this one... It's expected. Or maybe Bubbles here will surprise me and not even mention a single thing about it... SUSPENSE ALERT! My life is so dramatic. I don't know how Jack Bauer do it all the time.

NOTE to ALL CONTRIBUTORS: GOOD JOB ON THE POSTINGS! I'm not going to change what you have written, but I am going to start my own commentary section on what I deem is necessary to add for flair.

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