Have you heard about Lie to Me? Its a brand new show from FOX, the same people that brings you Fringe. You guys know how I feel about that show... I was supremely hesitant on starting a new series especially when midterms are coming soon, who the fuck am I kidding, I don't care about midterms. But, since there's been quite a buzz surrounding this show, I decided to watch it. Also, its from the same producer as 24, but I doubt its as good.
Here's a list that I made after watching the pilot:
- Tim Roth
- Follows the successful TV formula (a murder happened, oh got a lead on the suspect, interrogate him for 25 minutes, found out later that he's innocent, cliffhanger, commercial, SWAT team, guilty guy in jail) TA-DAH! famous example of this formula is all the CSIs.
- Hot "Radical Honesty" guy aka Brendan Hines.
- Interesting new concept for a show: Roth's character can "read" people's faces and tell if they're lying or not (through MICRO facial expression). From the way you move your EYEBROWS, he can tell if you are sad or ashamed. He doesn't need autopsies, they're for pussies.
- Unfortunately its quite predictable (as of the pilot). But people like predictable, its safe.
- But still good enough to get you just hooked. Going to watch 2nd episode now.
If you like 2 out of the 6 reasons here, then you should definitely watch it.
DISCLAIMER: this is just a TV show, its based on reality, but its NOT reality. So, don't use this show as a textbook on how to read people's body language. Haha!
Do you think that somebody is an expert body reader to Tim Roth's extreme degree?
Here's the link - via Hulu
*Thanks Sabreen for the tip.
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