Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If God Loves You, You Will Also Be Saved by a Self-Sacrificing Pigeon

I'm pretty sure you TV freaks have heard of this show called "Kings."

Before I begin, here's the synopsis:
The show is about what would happen if a modern monarchy exists. I know where the question is going to go from here, "What about the Queen of England?" No, Her Madgesty the Queen in England does not have real power anymore, therefore its not really a monarchy. Back to the plotline: There is a king (on the left) who rules an obviously fictitious land called "Gilboa," which oddly looks remarkably like New York City.

Its good. Like real good. I'm going to admit that when I watched the first 5 minutes of the show I was giddy as a cracked out kid in a candy store. I love watching new shows, its like weekly Christmas presents to me (that is until the present starts turning out to be a pile of turd). Its a little bit dramatic, but I recommend you to watch the first episode. I wanted to write this post a few days earlier right after I saw the pilot, but I was wary that it would be a SWSP (show with strong pilot).  So I waited till Sunday for the second episode, and I have a few comments to write about it (as always):
  • Its trying to be like "Lost," with all the "hidden" messages, foreshadowing and symbolism. Really, they're trying too hard. Well, actually I'm not surprised as it is the same producers as "Heroes"... and I'm not going to comment on Heroes as I do not want to offend some people. I just don't like watching Heroes because it is TOO DEPRESSING. People were like, "it gets better by the 7th episode." FUCK. NO. J.J. Abrams already spoiled me with those things. He was my first...
  • Of course David Sheppard (on the right) is the purest, most naive, untainted character that later be corrupted with power, which will cause him to try to assassinate the king in order to take over the land. I don't know if that's really going to happen, but I'm predicting that it will. FAKE SPOILER ALERT!
  • Biblical References GALORE! I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. 
  • Every problem is solved with conveniency. Oh wait, he was saved from a SNIPER SHOT because the pigeon was apparently FLYING right in front of the bullet, dodging him from death? How convenient. 
But so far so good. If you are bored, watch first episode here: 

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