Something appalling apparently happened on Monday night prime time television. The latest "Bachelor" contestant decided to dump his "chosen one" AFTER he picked her, for his "number two" finalist. He changed his mind on the reunion show and proposed to the other girl, stating that the "chemistry is completely different" now.
RIIIIIGHT... it was probably a fuck and run, meaning he banged her for 6 weeks then got bored and decided to move on with the next person on his booty list.
I'm probably the last one to write about this, I really don't care for the bachelor, I don't watch it because its boring until shit like this happens. That show is nowhere near the quality that is For the Love of Ray J and people should be more aware of that information. He is now officially a douche forever for dumping someone on NATIONAL (not cable) television. They should audition him for the new season of Tool Academy. And the tool's name is Jason Mesnick, BEWARE LADIES!
This guy is a hero!