Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Live (and tipsy)-Blogging from the LIBRARY!

I know, are you shocked too? I have to do a movie essay that was due 2 weeks ago, now I can't find the movie I want and ended up with Stray Dog by Akira Kurosawa again. I really don't mind as I think Kurosawa is amazing, but I am bored out of my mind. I ended up going to happy hour and getting tipsy by 8pm already with no work done at all. 
But being the determined student that I was, I went back to the library to work on this marvelous essay. I saw another friend of mine and he was like "What the hell are you doing here?"
See how I never cease to amaze people? 

WHATEVER, I'm trying to analyze why a fan is important in this movie. As what role does it play in the movie. I'm having difficulties achieving this meaning. I was hoping to get help from you guys, but it seems like too much to ask. 

So here's another midterm distraction from yours truly: it's called Never Mind the Buzzcocks!
This is another show from the UK, and its a game show hosted by Simon Amstell (recently only starting from season 20). It is hilarious as hell as Simon Amstell is honestly mean. Here's a clip with Amy Winehouse before she became super crazy and everything: 
Simon: They tried to make me go to rehab and I said....
Amy: No No NO....
Simon: But in hindsight, yes?

1 comment:

  1. 1)I can't help you on the fan thing (at first I thought you meant aficionado).
    2)You do watch a lot of tv.
    3)If not doing work makes you feel bad, don't worry! I managed to watch about two hours of a show I don't like any more despite the fact I have an exam tomorrow.
